kikoko cannabis, kikoko offers all-organic, low-dose, cannabis-infused herbal products. Based on clinical research, each product is designed with a purpose in mind, pairing thoughtful cannabinoid ratios, synergistic herbs and herb terpenes for mood, libido, sleep, and pain. Caring deeply about what we put into our own bodies, we test everything thoroughly to ensure all our products are pesticide, mold, and toxin-free and accurately dosed.
Positivi-Tea is our strongest THC blend with a 2:1 ratio THC and CBD. This formula can provide relief from feelings of anxiety and stress and bring on more joy and laughter. The dominant peppermint taste beautifully masks the cannabis taste.
Suggested Uses:
- Daytime use for higher tolerances
- Caffeinated and uplifting
- Great for outdoor adventures, creativity, mood-boosting alone time
- 5mg of CBD helps alleviate paranoia caused by THC
- Contains high amount of limonene: proven for weight loss, respiratory system, cancer prevention, and anti-inflammatory.